About us

Founder: Omid Faghani

Canada Immigration Advisors Group is a registered and licensed company in Canada with over 30 years of experience and significant success. Omid Faghani and other members, have expertise and immigration law degrees provide all immigration services in Canada.

We are committed to provide professional services to our clients and based on values that define our company and the principles we live by every day.

Mr. Faghani is an official member of the Canadian Immigration Advisers Organization as well as another credential per below

Chairman of the Canada-Iran Business Council

Founder and Managing Director of Newland Finance in Toronto

Director of Safire Andisheh Educational Institute

Representative and lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland

PhD in Business Administration from the University of Edinburgh Business

Master’s degree in Strategic Planning from Heriot-Watt University

Master of Management from Bradford University

Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ryerson University and McMaster University in Canada

Canadian Immigration Consulting Team

Our team consisting of Ms. Jazayeri and Ms. Rabiei comprises of immigration services experts who provided exceptional services to our clients with high quality and excellent review.
All members of our Immigration Advisors have a proven record in immigration services who are capable to utilize most recent immigration rules and laws to ensure the highest success rate.

Our priority is your satisfaction and all our consultants are ready to provide services according to professional principles and build trust and earn our client respects in person meeting and seminars.

A summary of our services includes:

Legal advice on your ability to immigrate to Canada
Choose the right immigration program to suit you
Gathering the necessary documents with the cooperation of applicants to acquire residency
Obtain the necessary permits in accordance with your immigration program
Provide professional advice to students to choose the most appropriate college or university to continue their studies
Obtaining Canadian citizenship
Click here to learn more about existing immigration programs.

Business, investment, entrepreneurship, self-employment

People who intend to immigrate to Canada through starting a business and investment can apply for residency through this program. This program generally has three categories, each with specific conditions.


It is a federal immigration program and suitable for applicants who have a business or management experience with two years’ experience in the last 5 years and also have the necessary and sufficient capital to finance their plan.


Applicants for entrepreneurship should have a of at least 3 years successful managerial background and to be eligible to apply for the program. The capital in this program is different from the investment program and the applicant must employ at least one Canadian person.


To be eligible for this program the applicant should have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics and be willing and able to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada. Relevant experience for a self-employed person means at least two years of experience. It must be during the period starting 5 years before the day you apply and ending on the day, we make a decision on your application. If you have these qualifications, please fill out the evaluation form so that our consultants can respond to you in the shortest possible time.
